Aquifer Internal Medicine

Aquifer Internal Medicine
Aquifer Internal Medicine
In collaboration with:
Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine

The 36 interactive virtual patient cases in Aquifer Internal Medicine deliver on the learning objectives of Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine’s (CDIM) General Internal Medicine Core Medicine clerkship curriculum.


Aquifer Internal Medicine builds clinical competency and fills educational gaps in internal medicine curricula. The course fosters self-directed and independent study, develops clinical problem-solving skills, and teaches an evidence-based, patient-centered approach to health care.

Now Available: Embedded Curricular Threads

New embedded threads provide consistent teaching on interdisciplinary Clinical Excellence topics throughout Aquifer’s core courses. Select Internal Medicine cases include new content woven into our existing cases to highlight key principles in palliative care, trauma-informed care, social determinants of health, high value care, diagnostic excellence, and foundations of telemedicine. Learn more…

  • Created for educators, by educators, to cover the full range of CDIM’s curriculum
  • Available for institutional subscription or for direct purchase by individual subscribers
  • Access to Aquifer Calibrate: Transformative Assessments for Clinical Learning Mastery, our innovative system for formative assessment, available with your 2024-25 subscription
  • Innovative Clinical Decision-Making Exam in the key features format available at no additional cost
  • Proven pedagogy that standardizes experiences—overcoming geography, seasonality, and accessibility
  • Evidence-based, peer-reviewed, and continuously updated content
  • Self-assessment questions emphasize key content and enable students to test their knowledge and skills
  • A wealth of source material, tools, and full references in each case
  • Delivered via the Aqueduct teaching and learning platform, which includes user management options, easy reporting on student progress and course usage, plus tools for creating custom courses to match a specific curriculum

Realistic case scenarios demonstrating best practices create an invaluable bridge from content to practice for our students. Aquifer Internal Medicine cases help students to develop the clinical reasoning skills critical to becoming successful practitioners.

Although designed for use by third-year medical students, Aquifer Internal Medicine is an excellent learning tool for many healthcare professionals. Cases can be assigned to supplement clinical experience to ensure students encounter all of the desired cases in internal medicine, removing the chance that they will miss vital clinical experiences.

Aquifer Calibrate, an innovative system for formative assessments, is available for Aquifer Internal Medicine. Calibratecombines the concepts of test-enhanced learning and distributed practice to facilitate efficient study planning and self-directed learning for students, and identifies at-risk students and curricular gaps for faculty. Calibrate is available with your 2024-25 institutional subscription to Internal Medicine.

The Aquifer Internal Medicine Clinical Decision-Making Exam aligns directly with CDIM’s national curriculum and provides a unique way to assess individual students’ clinical decision-making skills. This exam, validated in a study published in Academic Medicine, focuses on challenging decisions in diagnosis and management to target critical decision points that students will encounter in clinical practice.

After completing each case, students will have the option to apply their new knowledge and skills by completing five single-best-answer vignette-style self-assessment questions. Each question includes clear explanations of the correct and incorrect responses for immediate feedback to students. All self-assessment questions are available to internal medicine subscribers.

Internal Medicine 01: 49-year-old male with chest pain

Internal Medicine 02: 60-year-old female with chest pain

Internal Medicine 03: Four patients with syncope

Internal Medicine 04: 67-year-old female with shortness of breath and lower-leg swelling

Internal Medicine 05: 55-year-old male with fatigue

Internal Medicine 06: 45-year-old male with hypertension

Internal Medicine 07: 28-year-old female with light-headedness

Internal Medicine 08: 55-year-old male with chronic disease management

Internal Medicine 09: 55-year-old female with upper abdominal pain and vomiting

Internal Medicine 10: 48-year-old female with diarrhea and dizziness

Internal Medicine 11: 45-year-old male with abnormal liver chemistries

Internal Medicine 12: 55-year-old male with lower abdominal pain

Internal Medicine 13: 65-year-old female for annual physical

Internal Medicine 14: 18-year-old female for pre-college physical

Internal Medicine 15: 50-year-old male with cough and nasal congestion

Internal Medicine 16: 45-year-old male who is overweight

Internal Medicine 17: 28-year-old male with a pigmented lesion

Internal Medicine 18: 75-year-old male with memory problems

Internal Medicine 19: 42-year-old female with anemia

Internal Medicine 20: 48-year-old female with HIV

Internal Medicine 21: 78-year-old male with fever, lethargy, and anorexia

Internal Medicine 22: 71-year-old male with cough and fatigue

Internal Medicine 23: 54-year-old female with fatigue

Internal Medicine 24: 52-year-old female with headache, vomiting, and fever

Internal Medicine 25: 75-year-old female with altered mental status

Internal Medicine 26: 58-year-old male with altered mental status and experiencing homelessness

Internal Medicine 27: 65-year-old male with hypercalcemia

Internal Medicine 28: 70-year-old male with shortness of breath and cough

Internal Medicine 29: 55-year-old female with fever and chills

Internal Medicine 30: 55-year-old with leg pain

Internal Medicine 31: 40-year-old male with knee pain

Internal Medicine 32: 39-year-old female with joint pain

Internal Medicine 33: 49-year-old female with confusion

Internal Medicine 34: 55-year-old male with low back pain

Internal Medicine 35: 35-year-old female with three weeks of fever

Internal Medicine 36: 49-year-old male with ascites

From Our Cases

Educator Guide Available

Internal Medicine Educator Guide
Course Overview – Integration Strategies – Case Synopses – Learning Objectives – Features & Resources

The Educators Guide—available to all subscribers—provides a quick reference guide for all cases, resources, and features included with Aquifer Internal Medicine. The Educator Guide is ideal for educators who are getting started using Aquifer, or experienced users who want to be sure they are taking advantage of Aquifer’s extensive resources and tools.

Educator Guides are available in the Educator Resources section of your Aquifer account. Learn more…

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