The 32 interactive virtual patient cases in Aquifer Pediatrics deliver on the learning objectives of the Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (COMSEP) clerkship curriculum.
Aquifer Pediatrics helps students develop clinical reasoning skills critical to becoming successful practitioners. Our virtual cases provide key content correlated to COMSEP’s learning objectives—a proven path to success in developing clinical reasoning skills.
- Created for educators, by educators, to cover the full range of COMSEP’s curriculum
- Available for institutional subscription or for direct purchase by individual subscribers
- Access to Aquifer Calibrate: Transformative Assessments for Clinical Learning Mastery, our innovative system for formative assessment, available with your 2024-25 subscription
- Proven pedagogy that standardizes experiences—overcoming geography, seasonality, and accessibility
- Evidence-based, peer-reviewed, and continuously updated content
- Self-assessment questions emphasize key content and enable students to test their knowledge and skills
- A wealth of source material, tools, and full references in each case
- Course-specific student and educator resources, including active learning modules (TBL-style application exercises), interactive table of childhood developmental milestones, and a case analysis tool
- Delivered via the Aqueduct learning management system, which includes user management options, easy reporting on student progress and course usage, plus tools for creating custom courses to match a specific curriculum
With realistic case scenarios that demonstrate best practices, our course builds a bridge from content to practice for our students. Aquifer Pediatrics’ interactive virtual patient cases are based on the COMSEP curriculum. The cases ensure that students are exposed to all the various clinical scenarios, irrespective of location or time of year.
Aquifer Pediatrics can be used by third-year medical students, PA students, and Nurse Practitioner students as a complement to a clerkship or course on pediatrics.
Aquifer Calibrate, an innovative system for formative assessments, is available for Aquifer Pediatrics. Calibrate combines the concepts of test-enhanced learning and distributed practice to facilitate efficient study planning and self-directed learning for students and identify at-risk students and curricular gaps for faculty. Calibrate is available with your 2024-25 institutional subscription to Pediatrics.
Pediatrics 01: Newborn male infant evaluation and care
Pediatrics 02: Infant female well-child visits (2, 6, and 9 months)
Pediatrics 03: 3-year-old male well-child visit
Pediatrics 04: 8-year-old male well-child check
Pediatrics 05: 16-year-old female health maintenance visit
Pediatrics 06: 16-year-old male preparticipation evaluation
Pediatrics 07: 2-hour-old male newborn with respiratory distress
Pediatrics 08: 6-day-old female with jaundice
Pediatrics 09: 2-week-old female with lethargy
Pediatrics 10: 6-month-old female infant with a fever
Pediatrics 11: 4-year-old male with fever and adenopathy
Pediatrics 12: 10-month-old female with a cough
Pediatrics 13: 6-year-old female with chronic cough
Pediatrics 14: 18-month-old female with congestion
Pediatrics 15: Two siblings: 4-year-old male and 8-week-old male with vomiting
Pediatrics 16: 7-year-old female with abdominal pain and vomiting
Pediatrics 17: 4-year-old female refusing to walk
Pediatrics 18: 6-week-old male with poor feeding
Pediatrics 19: 16-month-old male with first seizure
Pediatrics 20: 7-year-old male with a headache
Pediatrics 21: 6-year-old male with bruising
Pediatrics 22: 16-year-old female with abdominal pain
Pediatrics 23: 15-year-old female with lethargy and fever
Pediatrics 24: 2-year-old female with altered mental status
Pediatrics 25: 2-month-old male with apnea
Pediatrics 26: 9-week-old male not gaining weight
Pediatrics 27: 8-year-old female with abdominal pain
Pediatrics 28: 18-month-old male with developmental delay
Pediatrics 29: Infact male with hypotonia
Pediatrics 30: 2-year-old male with sickle cell disease
Pediatrics 31: 5-year-old female with puffy eyes
Pediatrics 32: A day in pediatric dermatology clinic
From Our Cases
Educator Resources
In addition to the 32 cases included with this course, the Aquifer Educators Consortium has developed Educator Resources to accompany this course, available to all subscribers. Resources include valuable teaching and learning tools to increase student engagement and maximize efficiency for faculty.
To access these tools, sign in to your Aquifer account and visit the Educator Resources section.

Educator Guide Available
Course Overview – Integration Strategies – Educator Resources – Learning Objectives
The Educator Guide—available to all subscribers—provides a quick reference guide for all cases, resources, and features included with Aquifer Pediatrics. The Educator Guide is ideal for educators who are getting started using Aquifer, or experienced users who want to be sure they are taking advantage of Aquifer’s extensive resources and tools. Learn more…
Active Learning Modules
These team-based learning exercises have been thoughtfully prepared with the aim of minimizing teacher preparation time and maximizing learner achievement. Learn more about the Pediatrics Active Learning Modules.
- Fever Module
- Immunizations Module
- Patient Safety Module
- Child Development Module
Case Analysis Tool
The toolkit contains a structured worksheet completed by the students as they work through the virtual patient case, designed to enhance the development of clinical reasoning skills. Each step mirrors the process through which clinicians gather and process information about a patient, leading up to the development of an initial evaluation and treatment plan. Answer keys are included for most cases. Learn more about the Case Analysis Tool.
Questions for Further Consideration
A series of questions available to promote further discussion of some of the important points in each case. These can be used to emphasize areas such as basic science, clinical reasoning, management, public health, and communications. The questions are formatted on an excel sheet to allow for easy sorting by case or topic
User Story Video
Learn how Aquifer Pediatrics can benefit medical students and faculty in your program: