Aquifer PracticeSmart is much more than just another question bank. Each of the 900+ questions are the same ones students face during clinical rotations.

PracticeSmart fuels self-directed learning, giving students more control. Health professions students must cover a lot of information and skills in a finite period of time. PracticeSmart empowers them to focus on topics most meaningful to their learning.

Every question and explanation connects back to trusted case content written by leading educators. Students have access to all PracticeSmart questions associated with their subscribed content. PracticeSmart is an ideal complement to our Calibrate assessments.

PracticeSmart is:

  • A safe space for students to check clinical knowledge and identify knowledge gaps
  • Easy to use with answers linking directly back to Aquifer’s trusted content
  • A flexible, customizable quiz builder to fit individual learning needs
  • More than 1,000 clinically-focused questions with answer explanations and certainty ratings to find true knowledge gaps
  • Included at no additional cost with all subscriptions


PracticeSmart quizzes come directly from our trusted clinical content. All questions and answers link back to teaching points, and reports show where students certainty and accuracy are misaligned.


Choose Your Journey

There are three different ways you can access PracticeSmart quizzes

  • End of a case: Finish a case and check knowledge by taking the related quiz (or save it to to-dos for later)
  • Quiz Generator: Create a custom quiz in the Quiz Generator
  • Patient Library: Prioritize work by jumping to the quiz first by clicking on the “Questions” button associated with a case
Access PracticeSmart Questions

Customize Your Quiz

  • Choose questions from across all of the Aquifer content you subscribe to
  • Use Aquifer’s powerful filters to sort questions by:
    • Body system
    • Clinical focus
    • Clinical location
    • Clinical Excellence topic
    • Previous performance
Quiz Generator All Closed

Take Your Quiz

  • All questions are clinically focused – just like the questions you’ll be asked on rounds
  • Questions are multiple-choice with a certainty rating, showing you where your accuracy and certainty are misaligned.
PracticeSmart Question and Explanation

Results and Next Steps

  • All answer explanations are thorough and direct you back to the case related to the question
  • Your results page identifies gaps in your knowledge by system, clinical focus, discipline, and more to help you target your learning, and shows where you can better align accuracy and certainity.
  • You can also easily add cases to your To-Do list directly from answer explanations
PracticeSmart Results and Explanations


Already have an Aquifer subscription?

If you’re a student with an Aquifer subscription, you can sign into Aqueduct now and access PracticeSmart quizzes from the left-hand menu.

Not a current subscriber?

Get an individual subscription now for only $125. You’ll get access to all of our 240+ cases and illness scripts in addition to PracticeSmart quizzes.

Why Students Love PracticeSmart

  • Safe Space: Faculty can’t see individual performance data
  • Identify Knowledge Gaps: Check your clinical knowledge and see if your accuracy and certainty align
  • Clinically Focused Questions: The same questions you’ll be asked on rounds
  • Completely Customizable: Next-level filtering hones in on specific areas of strength and weakness

Why Faculty Love PracticeSmart

  • Trusted Content: All PracticeSmart questions come from Aquifer’s peer-reviewed content, directly correlate to the national curriculum standards, and have been developed and validated by leading educators.
  • No Additional Cost: Students automatically get access to PracticeSmart with an Aquifer subscription
  • Fuel Self-Directed Learning: PracticeSmart helps students take the lead in their education
  • Student-Friendly: Easy-to-use quiz builder requires no additional time for faculty


For more information on PracticeSmart, check out our FAQ articles for both students an faculty below. Additionally, you can get in touch with our customer success team who will show you all of the features that come with your Aquifer subscription.

Looking for individualized help for your institution? Schedule a curricular consultation with our adoption and use team and we will help tailor your Aquifer content to your specific needs at your institution.