Daniel Weinshenker is a storytelling facilitator, writer, and proponent of deep listening, meaning making, and reflection in healthcare. Daniel has facilitated workshops for the past 15 years through Storycenter, a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming lives and communities through the acts of listening to and sharing stories. He co-founded Nurstory, a national reflective-practice digital storytelling project with nurses that is being integrated into nursing education, has worked with researchers at the Mayo Clinic, patients living with HIV in S. Africa, educators and health communicators at the National Cancer Institute, and written a personal health blog for a global audience. At the University of Colorado, Department of Pediatrics, Daniel has facilitated workshops with medical students, residents, faculty, and staff to reflect on car –as a practitioner, a learner, an advocate, an educator, and a patient. He was the first recipient of the Colorado Independent Media award and the only non-MD to be the Miller-Sarkin lecturer for COMSEP.