Dr. Valerie J. Lang is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Hospital Medicine Division at the University of Rochester. Dr. Lang directed the Internal Medicine Clerkship for 13 years and the Medicine Sub-Internship for 15 years. She currently directs the Hospital Medicine Faculty Development Program and is the inaugural director of the Meliora in Medicine course and thread through all 4 years of the medical school curriculum.
Her current and past national committee work includes: Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine (CDIM) Council; CDIM President (2014-2015); Board of Directors, Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM); and Co-Chair, High Value Care Working Group (AAIM); and the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine’s Diagnostic Error Competencies development group. She is the recipient of the 2019 Ruth-Marie E. Fincher, MD, Service Award, presented by CDIM for outstanding service to the organization.
As the Aquifer Academic Director for Assessment, Dr. Lang provides strategic guidance to inform Aquifer’s non-profit mission of advancing health professions education. She is currently leading the development of innovative new formative assessments for a range of disciplines and led a multi-institution validation study of Aquifer Internal Medicine’s Clinical Decision-Making Exam (formerly the Key Features Exam) that was recently published in Academic Medicine. She is also a past Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Aquifer Internal Medicine course.
Dr. Lang earned her MD from SUNY Syracuse College of Medicine and completed her Internal Medicine residency at the University of Rochester. She graduated with a Masters in Health Professions Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Val and her husband, a medical oncologist, have a son in elementary school who is an avid online learner. She enjoys 4-season biking (even in the Rochester winter), gardening, and traveling.