Created based on student feedback, the new searchable patient library empowers you to search across our case library to find cases. Use the Searchable Patient Library to search and filter to find the most relevant cases to help you prep for clinic, review key concepts, fill gaps in your knowledge, or be ready to stand out on rounds.

- Put 200+ patient cases to work for you – search and filter to find the most relevant cases to help you prep for clinic, review key concepts, fill gaps in your knowledge, or be ready to stand out on rounds.
- Plan your time effectively with recommended time to complete each case.
- Add cases that fit your needs to a to-do list to manage your Aquifer work in one place. Your to-do list will also merge any items assigned by your faculty in our platform and cases added from your Calibrate assessment results into one easy location.
Access the Patient Library from your home page from either the left-hand menu or on the “Search All Content” card.

Using the Searchable Patient Library and To-Do List
Each case has a recommended time for completion that will allow you to plan your time effectively. You can add any cases to your student To-Do list to manage your Aquifer work in one place. Your to-do list will also merge any items assigned by your faculty in our platform in one accessible location.
Search the patient library for content based on the following criteria:
- System
- Conditions and Diagnoses
- Clinical Discipline
- Age
- Location
- Presenting Problem
- Clinical Focus
- Aquifer Content Basic Sciences
You can determine which cases you want to review by reading the Case Synopsis, the Learning Objectives, and the Case Summary. NOTE: The Case Summary is only available after you complete the case. Let’s take a closer look at a typical search result:
Each detailed search provides everything you need to determine whether the content will fit your learning plan.
Search Results At a Glance
- Case title
- Content Tag
- Average case completion time/Your completion time
- Case completion progress
- Case Synopsis
- Learning Objectives
- Case Summary
- Add To-Do/View To-Do
To add an item to your to-do list, click the blue “Add To-Do” button. Once you add the case or illness script, you can view it on your to-do list.

Your to-do list will be prepopulated with any assigned cases or scripts and any that you selected from the Patient Library.
A closer look at your to-do list:
- Sort/filter – Your to-do list can get long, depending on your discipline. The ability to sort and filter your content makes it easier to find what you seek.
- Cases Completed
- Estimated Time Remaining
- Hide Done To-Dos
- Case Name
- Case progress
- Estimated Completion
- Scheduled Completion Date
- Mark Complete
- View Case Details
- Add a Note
- Categories
Your to-do list is a feature of the Searchable Patient Library. Using them in concert with your Calibrate Formative Assessment results allows you to master your studies and take full advantage of your learning.