Course Board: Aquifer Radiology
Role: Associate Editor – Assessment Lead
Former Role: Case Editor
Institution: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Institutional Title: Clinical Associate Professor
Course Board: Aquifer Radiology
Role: Associate Editor – Assessment Lead
Former Role: Case Editor
Institution: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Institutional Title: Clinical Associate Professor
Course Board: Aquifer Geriatrics
Role: Associate Editor and Assessment Lead
Former Role: Case Editor
Institution: Medical College of Wisconsin
Institutional Title: Professor
Course Board: Aquifer Radiology
Role: Senior Director, Former Assessment Lead, Case Author
Cases Authored: Radiology 18: Professionalism in Radiology
Institution: West Virginia University School of Medicine
Institutional Title: Professor of Radiology
Institutional Role: Director of Medical Student Education in Radiology
Course Board: Aquifer Pediatrics
Current Role: Academic Director of Assessment
Former Roles: Case Editor, Associate Editor, Teaching and Learning Lead, Assessment Lead
Institution: Long School of Medicine, The University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio
Institutional Title: Professor of Pediatrics
Institutional Role: Teaching Faculty
Course Board: Aquifer Internal Medicine
Roles: Associate Editor – Assessment Lead, Case Author
Former Role: Case Editor
Cases Authored: Internal Medicine 21: 78-year-old man with fever, lethargy, and anorexia
Institution: Albany Medical College
Institutional Title: Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
Institutional Role: Clerkship director Internal Medicine; Associate Program Director Internal Medicine Residency Program
Course Board: Aquifer Geriatrics
Role: Associate Editor – Assessment Lead (former)
Former Role: Case Author
Cases Authored: Geriatrics 22: 74-year-old man and hazards of hospitalization: geriatric patient safety in the acute care setting
Institution: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Institutional Title: Associate Professor
Institutional Role: Clerkship Director
Course Board: Aquifer Family Medicine
Role: Associate Editor – Assessment Lead
Former Roles: Case Author, Case Editor
Cases Authored: Family Medicine 02: 55-year-old man wellness visit
Institution: Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Institutional Title: Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health
Institutional Role: Clerkship Director