New Program Access Request Form: COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Response for Non-Aquifer Subscribers

North American Medical Schools & Physician Assistant Programs

Please use Google Chrome on a laptop or desktop computer to submit this application.  You will receive a confirmation email after the successful submission of your form. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 10 minutes and have submitted the application via Google Chrome, please email 

Before Completing the Form below:

  • View our list of current subscribers to see if your program already subscribes to Aquifer. We know that at large programs with different sites and a range of courses, you may not be aware that Aquifer is used by your program for another course.    
    • Please note that separately-accredited health professions programs at the same institution cannot share an Aquifer account. For example, if the medical school has an Aquifer account, the physician assistant program at the same home institution is required to have a separate account and could apply for free access below.
    • Current subscribers follow a different process to request COVID-19 response access.

Thank you. 

You will receive an automated email confirmation of your application.  If you don’t receive the email or have issues submitting this form, please try to submit it again using Google Chrome on a laptop or desktop computer. If you still do not receive a confirmation email within 10 minutes, please email