Board Member
Jan Jones-Schenk DHSc is the Academic Vice President of the College of Health Professions at Western Governors University. The College of Health Professions offers degrees in nursing, health informatics and health administration and has over 25,000 students enrolled nationwide. Dr. Jones-Schenk originated WGU’s contemporary, multi-state, pre-licensure nursing program using an alternative clinical education model and competency-based learning. She recently served on the working group for the Macy Foundation report “Achieving Competency-Based, Time-Variable Health Professions Education.”
Dr. Jones-Schenk served six years on the Board of Directors of the American Nurses Association and is Past President of the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). She is co-associate editor for the monthly Leadership column for the Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. Dr. Jones-Schenk is the 2015 recipient of the U.S. Distance Learning Association’s Award for Outstanding Leadership by an Individual in the Field of Distance Learning and the 2017 winner of the Digital Learning Innovation Award, a Gates Foundation-supported award and prize presented by the Online Learning Consortium. In addition to Aquifer, she serves on the Boards of The Council for Graduate Education in Nursing Education (CGEAN) and the leadership team of the National Education Progression in Nursing (NEPIN) Collaborative.