The Aquifer Educator-to-Educator Webinar Series is an initiative to share practical and innovative strategies that are so needed in our changing environment while providing peer connections.
We’re looking for educators who are actively using Aquifer–or have deep past experience using Aquifer–to share tips and best practices with their peers.

What’s the commitment?

Time: Estimated a total of 2.5 hours
  • A 1-hour planning meeting with the other presenters and Aquifer staff
  • Preparing your slides and presentation (slide template provided)
  • Participating in the webinar (1 hour 15 minutes)
The Work: Leading or Co-leading a Breakout Session
You will lead (or be paired with another educator to co-lead) a 30-min breakout session in a larger webinar where you share practical tips (1-2 for co-leads, 3 for leads) from your experience using Aquifer related to the session topic and spend 10 minutes fielding questions.
You will be listed as a presenter in all webinar promotions to Aquifer’s broad national audience and will receive a letter recognizing your contribution for a national webinar presentation. Aquifer will provide lots of support to keep your commitment to a minimum, a broad audience and platform to share your story and great work, and the deep gratitude of ourselves and your peers nationwide.

Participating in Aquifer’s National Webinar provided me with the opportunity to connect with my colleagues in various specialties nationally to discuss best practices in using Aquifer cases with our learners. The total time commitment including preparation was 2 and a half hours, including the one-hour webinar itself. The majority of the work was done by the amazing Aquifer staff. There was one call with my co-presenter where we discussed how we wanted to organize our time and on the call, we both discussed the ways we are using the cases in my teaching.

The webinar itself was fun, the participants enthusiastic, and it left me feeling energized about teaching during this overwhelming time.

Mandi Sehgal, MD
Associate Professor of Geriatric Medicine
Director, Geriatrics and Healthy Aging Curriculum
Director, M3 Geriatrics/Palliative Care Clerkship
Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine

Presenter Sign-up Form

Please complete the form to share your interest and availability to become a presenter.

  • PA, NP, 3rd year, 4th year, etc.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Note: You will receive a confirmation email when you complete the form. If you do not receive this email, please contact Megan Hotaling.