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When you subscribe to Aquifer, you get more than just our cases. In addition to our unmatched course content, Aquifer provides valuable tools, features, and services for learners, faculty, and administrators. There’s a reason that over 13 million cases have been completed since our founding in 2006. Learn more about the unique learning tools and non-profit community Aquifer provides with each subscription.

Included with Your Subscription:

See for Yourself

Aquifer provides a free demo case for each of our subscription-based courses, and free access to our interdisciplinary courses on key topics. Viewing our demo cases is a great way to get a taste of the student experience in each course.

If you would like a more in-depth exploration of Aquifer’s content and administrative features, please contact us to request a trial subscription.

In addition to our subscription-based courses, Aquifer also provides five free courses on key topics:

To explore WISE-MD (Surgery) and WISE-OnCall (Readiness for Practice), please contact WISE:

Subscription Options