Aquifer is known and respected for developing trusted, award-winning virtual case-based courses for health professions education. Aquifer courses are evidence-based, peer-reviewed, and continuously updated by our academic consortium to support best practices in clinical teaching and learning. Aquifer cases build clinical decision-making skills through realistic patient scenarios.
Over 100 Physician Assistant programs are putting Aquifer’s trusted, rigorous clinical learning tools to work for their students. Aquifer courses are also used in 96% of U.S. allopathic medical schools. Are you ready to take advantage of this deep resource?
Building Clinical Confidence & Competency
Prepare for clinical rotations
Realistic scenarios walk through a complete patient encounter
Hone clinical decision-making skills
Ideal for an end-of-semester review before OSCE’s
Ensure coverage of key competencies
Fill educational gaps and supplement clinical experiences
Support faculty with trusted tools
Ready-to-use teaching resources and Educator Guides
Provide structured remediation
Cases provide a framework for clinical review
Enhance your curriculum
Replace lectures, build electives, or supplement your courses
The Aquifer Educators Consortium is made up of 70+ healthcare educators across disciplines who write, edit, and update Aquifer’s course content, in addition to providing strategic academic leadership.
National Collaborators
Every course Aquifer delivers is created in close collaboration with a leading national organization. We’re proud to partner with organizations like STFM, AAIM, AGS, COMSEP, and AUR to ensure that our content meets national standards.
Aquifer serves faculty and students in a total of 384 subscribing programs across a range of health professions. Our subscribers include physician assistant programs, in addition to allopathic, osteopathic, nursing, and residency programs across the US and beyond.
Our current physician assistant subscribers include:
AdventHealth University Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Program
Albany Medical College Center for Physician Assistant Studies
Alderson Broaddus University Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Program
Baylor College of Medicine Physician Assistant Program
Boston University School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program
Bryant University Physician Assistant Studies Program
Butler University Physician Assistant Program
California Baptist University Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Program
Campbell University Master of Physician Assistant Practice Program
Case Western Reserve University Physician Assistant Program
Chapman University Physician Assistant Program
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Physician Assistant Program
Christian Brothers University Physician Assistant Program
City University of New York School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program
City University of New York York College Physician Assistant Program
Des Moines University Physician Assistant Program
DeSales University Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies
Dominican University of California Physician Assistant Program
Duke University School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program
Duquesne University Physician Assistant Studies Program
East Carolina University Department of Physician Assistant Studies
Eastern Michigan University Physician Assistant Program
Emory and Henry College Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program
Florida Gulf Coast University Physician Assistant Program
Florida State University School of Physician Assistant Practice
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University Physician Assistant Program
Franklin College Physician Assistant Program
Gannon University Erie Campus Physician Assistant Program
Gannon University Ruskin Campus Physician Assistant Program
Gardner-Webb University Physician Assistant Studies Program
George Washington University Department of Physician Assistant Studies
Hardin Simmons University Physician Assistant Program
Hofstra Northwell Department of Physician Assistant Studies
Johnson and Wales University Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Program
Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California Physician Assistant Program
Keiser University Physician Assistant Program
Kettering College Physician Assistant Program
Lake Erie College Physician Assistant Program
Lincoln Memorial University School of Medical Sciences Harrogate Tennessee Physician Assistant Program
Marietta College Physician Assistant Program
Marshall B. Ketchum University School for Physician Assistant Studies
Medical University of South Carolina Physician Assistant Studies Program
MGH Institute of Health Professions Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program
Midwestern University Downers Grove Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies
Midwestern University Glendale Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies
Missouri State University Physician Assistant Studies Program
Monmouth University Master of Science in Physician Assistant
Morehouse School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program
Mount St. Joseph University Physician Assistant Program
New York Institute of Technology Physician Assistant Studies Program
Northeastern University Physician Assistant Program
Northern Arizona University Physician Assistant Program
Ohio University Physician Assistant Program
Oregon Health Science University School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program
Pace University Lenox Hill Hospital Department of Physician Assistant Studies
Aquifer courses include a selection of cases specially developed to provide comprehensive coverage of a clinical discipline, specialty, or key topic. Each of our cases presents a virtual patient encounter—demonstrating best-practices and modeling patient and preceptor interactions. Aquifer courses focus on teaching the evidence-based clinical reasoning skills that are vital to providing quality patient care.
Aquifer’s discipline-specific courses—Aquifer Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics—are our foundational courses, serving as key components of many programs’ clinical rotations.
Aquifer Geriatrics and Radiology include top-quality content that can be integrated into other courses or rotations to provide instruction on these critical topics, or used as individual elective courses. These courses bring our expert healthcare educators—and a wealth of resources—to you and your students.
Aquifer’s free courses—Aquifer Diagnostic Excellence, High Value Care, Medical Home, Oral Presentation Skills, and Social Determinants of Health—deliver case-based learning and skill-building exercises on key topics in healthcare education at no additional cost. Use the courses as individual capstone projects, or integrate cases with other content in a custom course to meet your needs.
WISE-MD (Surgery) provides an interactive enhancement to the surgical course. WISE-OnCall (Readiness for Practice) is a valuable tool for bridging the gap to practice. WISE courses are distributed by Aquifer on behalf of NYU School of Medicine.
CARE (Course on Addiction and Recovery Education) includes 12 modules that concentrate on critical addiction and substance use topics, including patient cases and videos. CARE is distributed by Aquifer on behalf of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.
Integrated Illness Scripts are designed specifically to promote cognitive integration and provide a framework for learners to link basic science and clinical knowledge. A beta set of scripts are now available to Aquifer Curricular Partners (programs that subscribe to all 5 subscription-based Aquifer courses).
A wealth of Educator Guides, resources, and tools are available to help you integrate our cases into your curriculum or course and make the most of your Aquifer institutional subscription.
Educator Guides provide a quick reference guide for all cases, resources, and features included with associated Aquifer course. The Educator Guide is ideal for educators who are getting started using Aquifer, or experienced users who want to be sure they are taking advantage of Aquifer’s extensive resources and tools.
Additional resources and teaching tools include Flipped Classroom Workshops (Radiology), Active Learning Modules and Case Analysis Tool (Pediatrics), Real World Application Activities (High Value Care), and Active Learning Classroom Strategies (Diagnostic Excellence).
Using Aquifer
Learn how our subscribers are using Aquifer courses to advance their students’ clinical learning at:
Case Western Reserve Physician Assistant Program
Educator-to-Educator Resources
Stories and strategies from fellow PA Educators who use Aquifer
- Meeting ARC-PA Standards with Aquifer
- Generating Meaningful Discussions about SDOH with Aquifer Cases
- Beyond Memorization: Leading with the “Why” to Improve Clinical Reasoning
- Using Aquifer Cases to Meet ARC-PA Accreditation Standards
- Case Study: Using Aquifer Across the PA Curriculum
- Using Aquifer Cases in Women’s Health and Behavioral Medicine
- Engaging Learners through Teleprecepting
- Case Analysis Tool: Feedback for Developing Clinical Reasoning Skills
- Covering ARC-PA Standards & Supporting SCPEs with Aquifer Custom Courses