Blog Category: Assessment
Blogs Archive
April 23, 2020 |

Case Analysis Tool: Feedback for Developing Clinical Reasoning Skills
February 17, 2021 | Assessment
In our 12-week pediatrics course for first-year PA students, we use Aquifer cases as a framework for four of our eight didactic sessions. Each Aquifer session includes an in-class lecture that covers the “don’t miss” diagnoses and difficult concepts for the topic area, followed by the students completing the related Aquifer case and the Aquifer Case Analysis Tool worksheet independently.

Providing Formative Feedback Via Summary Statements
July 16, 2020 | Assessment
In many Aquifer cases, students are asked to write out a one to three sentence summary statement that mimics the communication skills they need on rounds, calling consults, and writing patient progress notes. Reviewing a selection of these statements provides an opportunity for faculty to provide meaningful, targeted feedback on clinical reasoning skills.