Are you ready to get started using your program’s Aquifer subscription? Our video overview is a great way to start getting up-to-speed on our trusted virtual patient cases and the features of Aqueduct, our teaching and learning platform.
Access Your Aquifer Account
You will receive an email invitation from Aquifer inviting you to complete your registration and access your cases in Aqueduct once your program adds you to the platform as a user. Follow the link in your invitation email to complete your user profile, set your password, and sign in.
If you did not receive an email invitation, it’s fast and easy to resend your access invitation.
For New Programs & Program Service Administrators
Setting up your new subscription—or getting started as a new administrator—is easy with Aquifer. Program Service Administrators are the primary manager of an Aquifer account for each institution. If you are the Program Service Administrator or another lead administrator for your program, you have a few quick and easy steps to follow to provide access for your faculty, administrators, and students.
Once you have access to Aquifer, be sure to complete the Administrators: Managing Users & Courses training case in the Dive In: Making the Most of Aquifer resource in your Aquifer account.
The following steps are needed for a smooth and seamless start:
- Carefully review Aqueduct roles and responsibilities to fully understand the available roles and their associated permissions. You have complete control over who can view reports, add student rosters, and access student data, the system is designed so you can manage your subscription in a way that best fits your program needs. Decide who will fill each of these roles in your program as the first step to your successful startup.
- Prepare your student roster. Your student roster should consist of your students’ official institutional email addresses in a comma-separated (CSV) file in a format that can be copied and pasted into Aqueduct.
- Gather administrative and teacher email addresses. Similar to your student roster information, you will want to have email addresses for everyone filling an administrative role in a comma-separated file in a format that can be copied and pasted into Aqueduct.
- Once you have made your role decisions and gathered the information above, you’re ready to review our support resources below and begin your work.
Note: Be sure to inform all relevant faculty and staff that they will be gaining access to Aquifer’s valuable teaching and learning resources and recommend that they complete the relevant case in the Dive In: Making the Most of Aquifer training course in your Aquifer account. We recommend sharing a link to this page to help your team get started.
Our extensive online support resources are available 24/7, including in-platform interactive guidance.
Next Steps:
- Adding Administrative Users & Assigning Roles
- Upload Student Rosters
- View our Educator Guides for the courses you plan to use—and share them with your colleagues
- Explore the Searchable Content Library
- Consider Creating a Custom Course
- Track Student Progress
Learn More: Next Steps
Aquifer’s extensive support resources are available 24/7 and include video overviews, interactive walk-throughs in Aqueduct, and step-by-step instructions. Our experienced team also provides personalized training for institutional subscriptions.

Dive In: Making the Most of Aquifer
Training & Resources Inside Your Aquifer Account
Get started or optimize the way you are using Aquifer with separate cases covering how-to’s for administrators and best practices for faculty. Complete the case or cases that apply to your role to quickly get up to speed.
Tools & Resources for All Faculty & Administrators
All administrative and faculty users have access to the searchable Content Library, where it is easy to search and filter our cases to discover new content and quickly the cases you need to assign to students. We’re dedicated to ensuring that each program makes the most of their Aquifer subscription. Please be sure to review the extensive resources and valuable teaching tools included with your subscription.
Manage Your Courses, Students & Users
Explore our support resources to get up-to-speed on the features you need to use in Aqueduct. Because Aquifer is flexible to fit the needs of your program, your access to the tools below depends on the Aquifer user role assigned to you by your institution.
We’re Here to Help
In addition to our 24/7 online resources, Aquifer’s support community includes a dedicated Relationship Manager for your program, tech support, and the opportunity to schedule peer consultations with members of the Aquifer Educators Consortium. Please contact us if you would like more information.